Order Cancellation & Refund
- If you cancel your order before the product has been shipped, we will refund the entire order amount.
- Orders cannot be cancelled once product has been shipped. However you are allowed to return the item for refund.
We offer an easy and customer friendly return policy and refund guarantee.
1. Return policy:
- 30-Day return window: Returns are accepted if intimation is received at mykironshop@gmail.com within 30 days of receipt of shipment by customer *
- Returns are processed for money refund on receipt of unused product in NEW condition with all original packaging.
- There are some items that are ineligible for return, such as:
Items classified as hazardous materials or use flammable liquids or gases
Any product missing the serial number or UPC. Seal broken.
Health and personal care items
* above return policy is not applicable to bulk quantity orders above 2 nos
2. 100% refund guarantee:
100% refund is guaranteed in various cases, such as
- Wrong product supplied or product not supplied
- Damaged/defective product or product with missing parts
Customer must contact us immediately (within 24-48 Hrs) of receiving the product at mykironshop@gmail.com
3. Refund timeline : Refunds may take up to 15-20 working days to reflect in customer bank account