The Power of Rest Audio Book 6 CD Set Are you tired of working harder and longer but never getting any further? Tired of feeling stuck? Tired of not being happy? God didn't create you to survive through life, He created you to THRIVE! Join Gary Keesee on this incredible journey of discovery, and LEARN A NEW SYSTEM, one that will completely revolutionize your life, just like it did his after nine very long years of living tired and at the end of his rope financially, physically, and emotionally. In this highly anticipated Audiobook to Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest you will discover how to: Quit allowing your need for money to drive your decisions Prosper past the point of survival Stop chasing after money and start accelerating toward your destiny! Even if everyone you know is living tired, and running hard just to survive, you don't have to live that way. Unlock the secret of rest with Gary Keesee's powerful audio teaching series, The Power of Rest Audiobook on 6 CD’s and discover a new way of living.