Gary Keesee Ministries

The Antidote: Finding The Cure to The Human Condition // 3 CD // Gary KEESEE

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You wouldn't knowingly drink dirty water, right? But what if, without knowing it, you have been exposing yourself to poisons and pollutants - and these poisons and pollutants have been contaminating more than your body; they could destroy your LIFE? How? Our culture, the earth curse system, is full of perverse ideas that they say won't harm you. That's a lie. What you think about, what you feed yourself, and what you look at all put images into your heart, for good or for bad. So, without realizing it, you might be contaminating not just your body, but your soul, your mind—your life. You have to know the truth and know how to protect yourself. Join Gary Keesee for these three powerful, honest, and hard-hitting messages—Contaminated, Antidote, and Poisonous Pets—and learn the truth you must know so you can combat the lies of the enemy and the culture, protect yourself, and qualify for the success God has for you.